Difference between Gems and Minerals 

This was one of the big questions i had while learning about gemstones. It’s really difficult for a layman to know what is the difference between Gems and Minerals. I had surfed several blogs and websites but i hardly got relevant answers. 

So basically Minerals are solid constituents of the earths crust, or the other celestial body. These are naturally occurring. Gems are mostly consisting of minerals in different forms.

Gems is a huge concept to know about. These are generally minerals, or mineral aggregates, rocks. Some are organic formations such as Amber or Lava stone , and some are synthetic origins as well. 

These are usually bifurcated as Precious and Semi Precious gems, this depends on the rarity of the gemstones. There are further differences made as colored stones and diamonds. Diamonds are Minerals completely hence differs from the entire colored stones. 

For some gemstones the specialness of the gem, rarity, or some unusual optical phenomena, the shine or color that makes them stand out from others in the same race.   

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